Supplier Quality Requirements
Supplier quality assurance requirements applying to all Purchase Orders
NOTE: It is expressly the supplier’s responsibility to understand, implement, and comply with all appropriate quality clauses imposed by Attwater & Sons Ltd purchase orders at time of acceptance by supplier. If the supplier has questions, please refer them to the Quality Team via info@attwater.com
Attwater and Sons Ltd (Attwater Group) expects all suppliers to acknowledge its delivery terms, ensure 100% delivery on time and provide a quality product/service in accordance with our stated requirements.
The supplier shall:
Suppliers of proprietary goods and services into Attwater are exempt from any of its QMS requirements, however are still expected to comply with the requirements set out in our purchase order/contract, its terms and conditions and be operate their business ethically and lawfully.
Suppliers who are ISO9001 and/or AS9100 registered, must process Attwater & Sons Ltd purchase order requirements within the scope of their approval and must provide a certificate of conformance and/or material test certificate with all goods delivered as agreed/appropriate.
Suppliers who provide a Calibration service must be UKAS accredited and provide certification showing traceability to National / International Standards and the degree of error / uncertainty is required.
When a purchase order is placed on an Attwater subcontractor/supplier, that is in aid of an Airbus contract this will be identified within the purchasing data on Attwater purchase orders, the subcontractor must ensure that the purchase order requirements falls within the scope of their approval. Should any special process be required against the purchase order than these must be accredited accordingly and within the scope of the approval.
Where appropriate Attwater will use customer-designated or approved external providers, including qualified process sources (e.g., special processes).
ISO9001 and/or AS9100 registered, Supplier are required to:
- Adopt a zero tolerance to all forms of modern slavery and/or child labour practices.
- Adopt a non discrimination policy to ensure all employees are treated fairly, equally and lawfully.
- Observe legal obligations regarding the Bribery Act 2010 and adopt policy accordingly.
- Respect the environment and adopt policy and procedures that help reduce the supply chains impact on it.
- Notify Attwater & Sons Ltd in writing of any non-conforming product that relates to an Attwater purchase order requirement and assist in the resolution of the non-conformance or concession if appropriate and given.
- Adopt a Counterfeit Parts Prevention Program to prevent their use. No counterfeit parts shall be accepted by Attwater & Sons Ltd.
- Use a risk based approach throughout its business process to prevent or reduce undesired impacts.
- Where a specification requirement has been agreed and issued i.e. Material PPS, suppliers must notify Attwater & Sons Ltd of changes in product or process prior to changes. Changes can not be made without agreement.
- If purchase ordered goods are in aid of an Airbus contract suppliers must flow down all purchase order requirements from Attwater & Sons Ltd to any sub-tier used
- Where ISO accredited retain quality records for a minimum of 10 years unless otherwise specified. For purchase orders in aid of an Airbus contract, record retention in accordance with Airbus requirements. Records in relation to Attwater & Sons Ltd purchase order should not be destroyed without permission from Attwater & Sons Ltd. quality department.
- Afford the right of access to Attwater & Sons Ltd, its customers, or regulatory/statutory authorities to all applicable areas of facilities and to all applicable records.
Manufactured product must be produced in a manner which avoids any contamination or foreign object and then inspected for FOD (Foreign Object Debris/ Damage Prevention) prior to shipment to Attwater & Sons Ltd. There shall be no metal or other inclusions opportunities when handling or packaging product.
The processes, products, and services to be provided shall be in accordance with relevant technical data which must be provided. (e.g., specifications, drawings, process requirements etc.)
Test, verification or validation, activities must be consistent with requirements of ISO9001 or AS9100 as appropriate to the organisations quality management system.
Attwater & Sons Ltd would not normally require any verification on suppliers site other than those within arrange audits or agreed when placing a purchase order.
Attwater & Sons Ltd comply with all legislative requirements and is it essential that suppliers adopt similar practices and policies. It is expected that all suppliers adopt all relevant legislation and in particular having policies and procedures addressing current significant legislation and those policies of Attwater: (e.g. Suppler code of conduct – Current issues of these are available on this website or please contact info@attwater.com)